The Latest in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Life Exchange works hard to keep you and your ministry up-to-date with what's happening in our state. Check back often to find out what's happening and how this could impact you and your pregnancy center.
Pennsylvania Life Exchange Response to the 9/7/22 Policy Hearing

On September 6th at 1:00 pm the Senate and House Democratic Policy Committees held a hearing lasting two hours to discuss the "deceptive practices of anti-abortion centers." No pregnancy centers were invited to participate. In order to address this policy hearing, the Pennsylvania Life Exchange (our statewide pregnancy center coalition) in partnership with other pro-life leaders has written a letter and sent it to every Democrat Senator and Representative in the state.
It is imperative that our Senators and Representatives know why pregnancy centers exist, how we help women, and that we're doing so with very little (and in most cases no) state support.
Below is the letter that was emailed Wednesday September 7th. Stay tuned for a detailed rebuttal to the claims made during this policy hearing. Please view our state impact report or contact Sarah Bowen using the box below for more information regarding the work pregnancy centers are doing in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.